Posts Categorized: Capitol Hall Report

Capitol Hall Report – April 19, 2017 – Senate Bill 1356, A Real Solution to “Texting While Driving”

Senate Bill 1356, A Real Solution to “Texting While Driving” The Texas House has passed and the Senate has considered in committee legislation that would create a misdemeanor offense of using a hand held device to read, write, or send a text based communication while operating a moving vehicle that is not stopped. Regrettably, the… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – March 23, 2017 – The End of Red Light Cameras?

The End of Red Light Cameras? As Vice-Chairman of Senate Committee on Transportation, I am pleased to announce that  my Senate Bill 88 was passed out of the Senate Committee on Transportation, March 15, 2017 .  Senate Bill 88 prohibits any unmanned photographic traffic signal enforcement systems in the state of Texas, commonly known as… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – Senate Bill 6, Texas Privacy Act – March 16, 2017

Evaluating and Clarifying SB 6 Misinformation has led good people to make fun of the Legislature’s attempt to keep men out of women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers. “Bathroom” jokes now abound. Unfortunately, this issue is not funny and it will have some very serious consequences for women and children if this legislation is not… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – February 2, 2017 – Evaluating and Clarifying Senate Bill 2

Evaluating and Clarifying SB 2   The Texas Property Reform and Relief Act of 2017, will, at long last, provide Texas citizens a meaningful voice in limiting out of control property tax growth by requiring an election to approve an annual increase over 4%. It is the ultimate in local control by citizens. For far… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – January 27, 2017 – Welcome to the 85th Legislative Session

On Tuesday, January 10th, my team and I hosted a number of guests from Senate District 2 in a reception we held to celebrate the opening day of the 85th Texas Legislative Session.   I also took the oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution of Texas and the Constitution of the United States. (Article 16,… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – November 29, 2016 – Uniform Non-Discrimination Bill, Senate Bill 92

Capitol Hall Report – Uniform Non-Discrimination Bill, Senate Bill 92 Article I of the Texas Constitution sets out the state’s Bill of Rights, declaring the state to be a free and sovereign state and recognizing that “all free men, when they form a social compact, have equal rights” and “equality under the law shall not… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – Monday, October 24, 2016 – Paris Community College – Dollars and ‘Sense’

Paris Community College – Dollars and ‘Sense’ On November 8th, residents of parts of Lamar, Delta, Hopkins, Hunt and Red River Counties will be asked to significantly increase their property tax rates by approving to be annexed into the Paris Junior College (PJC) tax base. While the initial increase is being advertised as a low 8.5… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – October 20, 2016 – Election Integrity

Election Integrity A government for the People only exists by the People when the People have confidence that the results of an election are a reflection of the collective intent of the voters. That confidence will cease to exist when the ability to post-facto, independently confirm that all votes cast were counted as intended by… Read more

Hall Report – October 6, 2016 – Are We at the End of the Road for the Driver Responsibility Program?

Are We at the End of the Road for the Driver Responsibility Program? The Texas Driver’s Responsibility Program (DRP), criticized for its overly-complex structure and the fact that funds collected are often diverted to other state needs, has outlived its usefulness. First passed by the Texas Legislature 12 years ago, DRP was created to help… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – September 28, 2016 – The 85th Legislative Session and Homeland Security

The 85th Legislative Session and Homeland Security Issues One of the primary duties of state government is to ensure the safety and security of the citizens of the state.  Therefore, several items on my legislative agenda address compelling homeland security threats to the great state of Texas. Electric grid security, border security, refugee resettlement, and… Read more