Posts Categorized: Capitol Hall Report

My Employer Wants Me to Get the Vaccine―Now What?

More and more employees across the state of Texas―and our nation―are facing COVID-19 vaccine mandates thrust upon them by their employers. Being faced with the choice to either take a vaccine you don’t want, or to lose your livelihood, is a position no one should have to make. No one should be compelled or coerced… Read more

Changes coming to Senate District 2

It is that time of the decade again–redistricting. As is required by our Texas Constitution, the Legislature must redraw the boundaries of our Congressional, House, Senate, and State Board of Education (SBOE) districts to reflect the changes in population Texas has experienced in the previous decade. Some of these changes are minor, however, some are… Read more

Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Information

There is a relatively little-known but widely available treatment for COVID-19 that is safer, more effective, and already available to many individuals: monoclonal antibody therapy. This therapeutic is available at both private and government locations, and is always completely free at the latter. You and your family members should be aware of this treatment option,… Read more

It Is “We the People” not “We the Employers”

Unfortunately we have too many elected officials who seem to have forgotten that the primary purpose of government is to protect individual liberty. Many individuals across our state and nation are facing a devastating choice: whether to take a vaccine they do not want, or to leave their jobs, forfeiting their means to provide financially… Read more

No Vaccine Mandate!

On Thursday, September 9th, President Joe Biden announced his newest plan for the expanded federal pandemic response to COVID-19. That plan includes steps to mandate vaccinations in ways which clearly violate both individual and employer rights. Most notably, President Biden stated that all employers with 100 or more employees must either require their workforce to… Read more

Constitutional Amendment Propositions – November 2, 2021

Proposed constitutional amendments are voted on in the November election after each legislative session. This year the election date will be November 2, 2021. There are eight proposed constitutional amendments. The ballot language and a short explanation of each are below. Proposition No. 1 (H.J.R. 143) What will be on the ballot: “The constitutional amendment… Read more

Every person’s right to maintain their right to informed consent must be protected.

Based on what is now known about the risk of the COVID-19 vaccines, Texans have good reason to proceed with caution. As of July 30th, 2021, the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reported that at least 12,366 people have died, and at least 545,338 experienced adverse reactions to the vaccines. Unfortunately, some businesses… Read more

Texas Border Interstate Compact

Nations only exist to the extent that people recognize and adhere to the laws within. Likewise without recognition of the laws and sovereignty of a nation, a border is nothing more than an imaginary line. Whether it be Danube River of ancient Rome or the Rio Grande of modern Texas, borders exist to serve a… Read more

Protecting the Innocence of Children in Texas.

It is no secret that we live in a time of absolute moral upheaval, with items as basic and fundamental as what it means to be male and female being called into question. There are now more lewdness and obscenity on accessible display than ever before in our nation’s history, and the left’s ever-evolving dogma… Read more

Texas Electric Grid Resilience is Priority – Fix the Problem

The 87th Legislature marks the fourth legislature (that’s over six years) that a resilient electric grid has been one of my top legislative priorities. While we were successful in getting legislation out of the Texas Senate, the proposal repeatedly failed to make it through the process to become law. Legislators need look no further than… Read more