These five words should define Texas government. Instead, at the Texas Lottery Commission, they have been replaced with lies, cheating, theft, deception, and cover-ups. When we established the Texas Lottery Commission (TLC), our goal was to give local Texans a fair chance to play and win—not to let out-of-state or overseas entities manipulate the system. It’s… Read more
Posts Categorized: Capitol Hall Report
SB 2: Misconceptions and My Vote
As some may know, the “School Choice Bill”, Senate Bill 2, passed out of the Senate this past Wednesday, and will now be moving over to the Texas House. I was proud to vote for SB 2, as it will have a significant impact on the opportunity for and outcomes of education in this great… Read more
The City of Dallas has made the 2024 Texas State Fair ‘a ”free-fire-ZONE” for criminals.’ My family AND I will not be attending the Texas State Fair this YEAR unless the recently announced policy of not allowing law abiding citizens to protect themselves is rescinded. Unfortunately, the City of Dallas has chosen to prioritize the… Read more
The Lottery Commission’s Misguided Oversight
When the Texas legislature created a state lottery, in 1991, the statute was carefully crafted to require an individual who wanted to play the lottery to go to a licensed, brick-and-mortar lottery retailer to purchase a ticket with cash or a debit card. The purchase by telephone was expressly prohibited. These safeguards aimed to prevent… Read more
Legislation Curbing International Organizations such as WEF, WHO, and the UN
In May of 2024, the Louisiana Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 133, a pivotal measure aimed at safeguarding the state’s autonomy against external influence from international organizations. This legislation prohibits the utilization of communications from select international bodies—namely, the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), as a basis… Read more
Unfortunately, TPWD’s Unofficial Mission is to Eradicate All of The Deer Breeder Herds in Texas
If you believe the drama unfolding in D.C. is controversial and corrupt, brace yourself for a startling revelation closer to home within the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). In a recent turn of events, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) finds itself under scrutiny for its mishandling of another Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)… Read more
Electrical grid growth without protection is a fool’s errand.
As one of the fastest-growing states in the nation, Texas is rapidly outgrowing its capacity to provide the electricity needed to support this growth. The forced retirement of old dispatchable generators and an influx of wind and solar have compounded this problem. The increased demand has placed the electric grid in a precarious situation, made… Read more
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Misuse of Eminent Domain Must Stop
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) almost inflicted another black eye on Texas as it aggressively pursued eminent domain of private property in Freestone County but recently, and rightfully abandoned the ill-conceived, un-Texan efforts to forcefully take land from a private citizen. The developments surrounding the Fairfield Lake property outside of Dallas stirred significant… Read more
Israel’s electric grid in the midst of war
Israel’s electric grid is under the worst kind of attack. Although Israel took measures to harden infrastructure and limit vulnerabilities, it is yet to be seen if these measures were sufficient to withstand the onslaught seen in recent days. While it is a world away, the threat of physical and cyber attacks to the Texas… Read more
Past losses are just future wins.
While the 88th Legislature saw some pretty big wins, such as prohibiting the gender transitioning of minors, safeguarding children against explicit drag performances and obscene books in school libraries, and passing legislation to incentivize the construction of new dispatchable generation facilities, there remain key pieces of legislation which failed to pass during the 88th legislative session, so… Read more