
Busting the Myths of SB 893

In today’s information age, myths and half-truths can be passed off as accurate information and disseminated to a broad unsuspecting audience.  Purveyors of these myths and half-truths demonstrate a common willingness to spread rumors and hearsay and create fear, uncertainty, and doubt.  Opponents of SB 893 have engaged in just such tactics.  Fortunately, a thorough… Read more

An Interstate Compact for Border Security

An Interstate Compact for Border Security The refusal of the federal government to protect our national borders and enforce federal immigration laws has facilitated the unnecessary loss of thousands of lives and millions of dollars in property. Our duty to compassion for human life is to require legal, orderly entry into our country. By not… Read more

Protection for Property Owners, Freedom for Drivers, and Border Security Protecting Private Property Owners from Toll Road Corporations

Protection for Property Owners, Freedom for Drivers, and Border Security Protecting Private Property Owners from Toll Road Corporations (SB 444) Property ownership is one of the most precious rights of an American citizen. The power of eminent domain is the most egregious power that can be exercised against a property owner; therefore, that power must… Read more

Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid, Part Two

Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid, Part Two Last week in my “Texas Deserves a Secure Electrical Grid” article, I provided information about the well-established, real and present danger of the Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) threat. The article explained how our electrical grid is vulnerable to EMPs, whether from attacks by our nation’s enemies or… Read more

Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid, Part One

Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid, Part One Twenty-first century technology and today’s geo-political environment have significantly elevated the threat of a catastrophic Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) event. Whether man-made or natural an EMP could dramatically and irreversibly change life as we now know it. Since Texas is the only state with a self-contained electrical… Read more

Promoting Self-Defense and Tax Relief

Promoting Self-Defense and Tax Relief Senate Bill 342: I am excited to announce support for the Texas Constitutional Carry Act (SB 342), which Senator Don Huffines has filed. Senators Konni Burton (Colleyville), Brandon Creighton (Conroe), and Lois Kolkhorst (Brenham) have also placed their support behind the bill. This legislation would allow law-abiding Texans who are… Read more