Posts By: Amy

Protecting the Innocence of Children in Texas.

It is no secret that we live in a time of absolute moral upheaval, with items as basic and fundamental as what it means to be male and female being called into question. There are now more lewdness and obscenity on accessible display than ever before in our nation’s history, and the left’s ever-evolving dogma… Read more

Texas Electric Grid Resilience is Priority – Fix the Problem

The 87th Legislature marks the fourth legislature (that’s over six years) that a resilient electric grid has been one of my top legislative priorities. While we were successful in getting legislation out of the Texas Senate, the proposal repeatedly failed to make it through the process to become law. Legislators need look no further than… Read more

Senator Hall Appointed Chair of Senate Agriculture Committee

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced today that he has appointed Sen. Bob Hall, R-Edgewood, Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Upon his announcement the lieutenant governor made the following statement: “No one works harder for the people of his district than Sen. Hall and I am confident he will bring the same work ethic and… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – Let’s Start I-635 East Now

Despite its urgency, the area Regional Transportation Council (RTC) continues to delay the project’s forward progress and stall any thought of a non-tolled I-635 before it gets started.  It is way past time to stop the debate on whether to rebuild I-635 East as a “tolled” or “non-tolled” road. The expansion of I-635 East as… Read more

Hall Campaign Launches A New Radio Ad

Senator Slams Burkett Lies EDGEWOOD, TX – Texas State Senator Bob Hall’s campaign released a new radio ad today in response to two recent campaign mailers sent by his liberal opponent, Cindy Burkett. “The backlash against the smear campaign tactics of Cindy Burkett is profound. The sleazy mailers orchestrated by Burkett are not playing well… Read more

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Endorses Senator Bob Hall

Editorial: Women and Children’s Protection and Safe Spaces Act

Women and Children’s Protection and Safe Spaces Act It is time to address this so called “transgender bathroom” issue and discuss the consequences that the backers and media do not want you to know. Warning. This is a very frank article describing the reality of the recently created issue that is being mislabeled as “transgender… Read more

Capitol Hall Report- March 30, 2016

Time to audit unaccountable transportation agencies Texas’ first public-private toll road on SH 130 recently went bankrupt.  However, rather than be released from the controversial public private partnership contract, the Texas taxpayers are being asked to endure the possibility of yet another private entity taking over the debt-laden project. Many Texans were hoping to finally… Read more

Capitol Hall Report – March 17, 2016

Validity and Integrity of Texas Elections is Being Compromised  Texas election laws are not being followed in many counties. Without this consistency, and with the “it’s the way we do it” attitude, this has greatly opened the door to fraud.  The true intent of the Legislature was to ensure voter integrity at the highest expectation is… Read more

Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid: Part 4

Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid: Part 4 In previous “Texas Deserves a Secure Electric Grid” Capitol Hall Reports, I addressed the clear and present danger of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threat to the state of Texas. In these articles I highlighted how our Texas electrical grid infrastructure is vulnerable to an EMP attack or… Read more