Although Texans have a vast list of priorities that need to be addressed, here are a few of my top priorities for the 89th Legislative Session.
Election Integrity
The lack of accuracy verifiability, transparency, and accountability in the current Texas election process means it would be impossible to present sufficient evidence in a court of law to prove that anyone elected to public office was actually the intent of the majority of those who voted in their election.
The current Texas election process is a true “BLACK-BOX” operation. Why? Because there is no TRANSPARENCY, no ACCOUNTABILITY, and the ACCURACY is unknowable due to the lack of verifiability throughout the current process. There are only three things we know for sure at the conclusion of a Texas election:
1. Some unknown number of people cast votes,
2. The voting period began and ended; and
3. Winners were declared by a governing body.
This must change, but anytime a new idea is put forward to change any aspect of our election system, the first thing election people ask is: Why change? The current system works. This same statement is made by both those who do not understand how the current system works, the laws, and by those who, for nefarious reasons, want to keep the flaws.
The answer “the current system works” can only be made because the government says it works; not because we know it works. In reality, we know little to nothing about how the process works or its accuracy. All were really know is that it has a list of ballot items, a date, and time to begin, and a date and time to end. Everything else is assumed. This lack of known accuracy is because the election process is not transparent, and there is no meaningful accountability. Neither the voters nor the election workers are privy to what happens inside the “Black Box” election process and equipment.
The problem is not so much in what we know but in what we do not know. The current system is far more complex than necessary, opening it to mistakes and manipulation that is obscured by the complexity. While there is a lot we do not know about the process, the biggest question that cannot be answered is:
“Is the winner declared by the government consistent with the intent of the majority of the people who cast their vote in that particular race?” The best answer possible today is “maybe,” but there is no way to know for sure.
It is not possible, under the current Texas election process, to answer with any degree of confidence this question. It was not originally intended to be this way. But, in fact, the current processes, computers, and software have significantly degraded the transparency, accuracy, and accountability of Texas elections.
The love affair with technology and the sacrifice of security for convenience have been the downfall of our election system. With good intentions, computers were viewed as the solution to the ballot box stuffing that often-accompanied hand-marked paper ballots. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Computers and software have increased the opportunities and frequency of error and fraud in ways never considered and to a level much greater than and more difficult to detect than that of the original system of hand- marked paper ballot.
Securing the Electric Grid
Currently, the electric grid is vulnerable to cyber-attacks, malware, electromagnetic pulses (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) that would, at best, disrupt the grid, and at worst, cause the entire grid to go down. Electricity affects almost every aspect of our modern life: healthcare, transportation, banking, sanitation, water, and food. The state does not have a robust plan in place to address a widespread, long-term power outage. Since electricity is vital for survival, if the grid goes down, thousands of people risk losing their life.

Solutions to harden the grid, once thought to be too expensive, can now be implemented at a fraction of the cost due to technological advances. While some cities and localities have implemented measures to harden their infrastructure, it is time for Texas to take steps to ensure the safety of all Texans by addressing grid vulnerabilities.
While increasing capacity is important, we must not overlook the vulnerability of our grid to multiple threats. We must ensure it is both reliable and resilient by incorporating the necessary technologies that protect against both natural and man-made threats.

In God We Trust
Exceptionalism is the basis for America’s success. A continued drift from God will ultimately result in the loss of this blessing. The liberty principle of “freedom of religion” should be reestablished wherein all individuals (including pastors, teachers and government employees) are completely free at all times and places to freely express their religious beliefs and practices. The First Amendment should be interpreted according to the original intent of our Founders.
In Texas
Our state legislature should help protect religious liberty and our First Amendment rights by denying state funding to any city or county that would enact ordinances to restrict these rights.

Limited Government
The primary purpose of government is to protect citizens from both foreign and domestic threats and to ensure “regular” inter-state trade. The government’s powers should be limited to powers specifically stated in the Constitution. Congress should make no new laws and should eliminate all statutes, regulations, departments, programs, organizations, and commissions not clearly and specifically enumerated in the US Constitution. Limited government calls for no new stimulus spending, taxpayer-funded bailouts or government ownership of private enterprises.
In Texas
To quote the TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee’s legislative priorities, “Now is the time to focus on the why and how tax dollars are spent by our state government. Budgeting and public policy should not be based on emotion, tradition, or legal plunder advocated by special interest groups, but rather on limited government principles. Limited government principles, coupled with high ethical standards, advance individual liberty, promote economic freedom, and ensure transparent, high quality, efficient and effective services for taxpayers.”
The TPCAC’s document further declares, and I agree: “The Texas Legislature, the Governor, Lt. Governor, and House Speaker should actively work to balance the state’s budget without employing the past practices of accounting gimmicks, deferrals, and various types of budget trickery. We believe:
- the state budget should be balanced with available revenues;
- state government should be reduced to its core constitutional functions* by eliminating any departments, agencies, commissions, programs, or funds that fall outside those core functions, and in turn, the
- resulting savings should be redirected to core constitutional functions where more funding is justified utilizing a zero-based budgeting process.”
*The core constitutional functions of Texas state government are public education; transportation; the justice system of criminal and civil courts, law enforcement, and corrections (state prisons); management of natural resources; state emergency services; and the administration of HHS-Medicaid services.

Fiscal Responsibility
Our government should not spend money it does not have. Our tax system should encourage and support free enterprise, economic growth, be simple and fair, and support job retention in the United States. The IRS should be abolished along with the elimination of the inheritance (death) tax, gift tax, and capital gains tax. A constitutional tax must replace the current system by generating sufficient revenue for only the legitimate (Constitutional) tasks of the federal government; however, tax reform will work best if accompanied with meaningful spending reforms, termination of duplicated and overlapping agencies and programs, and the elimination of pork barrel spending in every form – especially in earmarks. These efforts are necessary in order to provide tax relief, reduce the debt, and balance the budget. A two-thirds majority of the U. S. House and Senate should be required before raising taxes. Such tax reforms will encourage investment and economic growth for the U. S. economy.
In Texas
Again, the TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee of grassroots constitutional conservative citizens has it right: “Our country needs a strong Texas, ready to lead the way as the federal government spends more, taxes more, borrows more, regulates more, and strays further and further away from the US Constitution. It is, therefore, a matter of utmost urgency that our Legislature makes measurable progress to reduce the state’s dependence on federal dollars; to resist any increase in state debt; to get our state’s fiscal house in order; to uphold the rule of law at all times; to reduce regulation; and to set much higher standards in state government ethics and transparency.

Rule of Law
As a constitutional republic, we are a nation of laws that emanate from our founding documents – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The second greatest document ever written is the Constitution of the United States. This supreme law of the land is just as valid today as it was when first penned. It should only be interpreted according to original intent.
In Texas
There is a serious need for all elected officials to revere and adhere to the oath of office. That oath declares, “IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, I do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of my office and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the laws of this State, so help me God.”
This oath demands the office holder acts to uphold the rule of law at all times – not just when it is convenient and everyone approves. The rule of law should apply to everyone, including elected officials. It is the primary responsibility of all officeholders to protect the life, liberty, and property of citizens by upholding the rule of law. Specifically, state officials should uphold the rule of law by banning sanctuary cities and counties. Sanctions for violators should be swift and should include ending state grants and funding to cities and counties that ignore the rule of law.

Personal Responsibility
Only elected officials who say what they mean and mean what they say should remain in office. We must stop electing professional politicians who campaign on the right (Conservative) and then consistently vote with the left wing liberal Democrats. Individuals and families requesting taxpayer-funded assistance should be required to report all income and assets. Access to social welfare should be based on need and should be means-tested. Only US citizens and legal residents should have temporary access to social welfare programs.
In Texas
The Rainy Day Fund (or ESF – Economic Stabilization Fund) should be preserved so that Texas can be strong and less dependent on the federal government in times of disaster. Our legislature and statewide officials should exercise fiscal restraint and personal responsibility to reduce our dependence on federal funds to balance the state budget. According to the Tax Foundation, Texas ranks 11th in the nation in dependence on federal funds to balance our state budget. Federal funds make up about 40% of our state budget. Given the $17 trillion federal debt, this is not wise or good for Texas.