Lt. Governor Patrick Assigns Senator Hall to Sunset Commission
AUSTIN, TX – On Friday, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced the appointment of Senator Bob hall to the Texas Sunset Commission.
“The Sunset Commission is an essential part of our state’s commitment to efficiency and accountability. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as a member of the Sunset Commission. I look forward to a thorough examination of our state agencies to ensure Texans’ tax dollars are well spent, and our state government is running efficiently,” Senator Hall stated.
The Sunset Advisory Commission was established by the Texas Legislature in 1977 and is made up of 12 members (five state senators,five state representatives, and two public members). The Sunset Commission is charged with providing a comprehensive periodic review of the operation of more than 130 state agencies, with each agency typically subject to Sunset review every 12 years.
Among the agencies scheduled for review during the 2018-2019 cycle are: the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), the Alcoholic Beverage Commission(TABC), the Department of Public Safety (DPS), Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV), the Windstorm Insurance Association (WIA), the Texas Military Department (TMD), Texas Medical Board (TMB), Texas Historical Commission(THC), Texas Finance Commission(TFC), Texas Real Estate Commission(TRE), Texas Appraisal Licensing and Certification Commission(TALC), and the Red River Authority(RRA).
“As the Sunset Commission begins its evaluation of our agencies, I look forward to using my years of business, military, and government experience to push for needed reform to the system,” Senator Hall continued. ” I welcome the challenge of addressing these issues and look forward to getting to work with my colleagues to accomplish the peoples’ business.”
Other Sunset Commission Members include: Commission Chairman Brian Birdwell, Senator Dawn Bukingham, Chairman Robert Nichols, and Senator Kirk Watson. Senator Hall will serve a four year term on the Commission.